henry woide | photographer

Critical Research Journal

Posts tagged with Falmouth-university

  1. Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs: Eurasia - Intent of the interview with The Photographers Gallery

    PHO702 Contextual Research / MA Falmouth University  Taiyo and Nico acutely describe and visualise their intent in this interview with the Photographers Gallery through the use of cinematography and stills to tell their story of their project Eurasia. The photo project continues on from their previous project the ‘The Great…

  2. Evaluating Practice: Daniel Gustav Cramer’s Series Trilogy

    PHO702 Contextual Research / MA Falmouth University  Daniel Gustave Cramer’s Trilogy choice of images in Trilogy represents probably a tight selection of images from the work he made during this series. Each image has been created specifically to address his ideas behind the project and seems to be successful in…

  3. Constructed Realities: Independent Reflection

    PHO702 Contextual Research / MA Falmouth University  Construction in the image and often in my subject plays an important role in the photographic work I produce. Though the construction usually comes from my subject and while my ability to construct what’s infront of me only comes from the ability to…

  4. The Index and The Icon

    PHO702 Contextual Research / MA Falmouth University  Photography is changing, our understanding of this photographic language is evolving with the medium. The language can be seen as is iconic, indexical and symbolic (Pierce, 1914). This learnt language of how we see the world is inherent to photography, photographs disclose meaning…